Scientific Programme

Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts (CWW2011)


Monday 02.05.2011

13:00 - 18:00




18:00 - 23:00





Tuesday 03.05.2011

08:00 - 09:00


Registration and coffee start


09:00 - 10:30


Opening and plenary session



Kjetil Bevanger (NINA, Norway)




Norunn S. Myklebust (NINA, Norway)

Welcoming speech



Bjørn Iuell (Statkraft AS, Norway)

The right climate for environmentally-friendly wind energy



Kjetil Bevanger (NINA, Norway)

Wind energy and wildlife impacts: lessons learned from Smøla



Micheal O'Briain (EU DG Environment)

EU guidelines on wind energy and nature conservation



Rowena Langston (RSPB, United Kingdom)

Birds and Wind Energy



Mark Desholm (NERI, Danmark)

Studying wildlife and wind power - pros and cons of methodologies

10:30 - 11:00


Coffee break


11:00 - 12:30


Session 1: EIAs and site selection [Convenor: Prof. Dr. Johann Köppel]


Jens Lüdeke (Germany)

Proposing an approach for the Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind Farms in Europe



Jason Jones (Canada)

Modeling habitat distributions of bats using GIS: wind energy and Indiana bats



Ernst Retief (South Africa)

The development of an Avian Wind Sensitivity Map for South Africa



Thomas Dahlgren (Norway)

Methods Development for Cost-Effective Marine Environmental Monitoring at Offshore Wind Farms in Norwegian Waters

12:30 - 13:30


Lunch break


13:30 - 15:00


Session 2: Pre- and post-construction monitoring [Convenor: Prof. Dr. Johann Köppel]



Elzbieta Kret (Greece)

Assessing the impact on birds of prey of nine established wind farms in Thrace, NE Greece



Simon Pickering (United Kingdom)

Pre- and post construction monitoring and stake holder involvement  of on-shore turbines adjacent to Severn Estuary Ramsar site.



Thoralf Hoth (Germany)

Impacts on demersal fish communities in the North Sea based upon data from the first German offshore wind farm 



Karen Krijgsveld (Netherlands)

Flight patterns of birds in an offshore wind farm in the Netherlands

15:00 - 16:00


Poster break


16:00 - 17:30


Session 3: Fatality studies [Convenor: Dr. Edward Arnett]



Shawn Smallwood (United States)

Comparing Avian and Bat Fatality Rate Estimates among North American Wind Energy Projectsti



Manuela Huso (United States)

Expanding fatality estimates from the search plot to the entire site



Regina Bispo (Portugal)

A Web based application to estimate wildlife fatality: from the bias correction factors to the corrected fatality estimates.



Alvaro  Camina (Spain)

The effect of wind farms on vultures in northern spain: fatalities behaviour and correction measures


19:30 - 21:30


Workshop on estimating fatality at wind-power plants

– click here for further details


Wednesday 04.05.2011

08:30 - 09:00


Coffee start


09:00 - 09:20


Keynote speaker: Thomas Kunz (United States)

Aeroecology: An Emerging Frontier


09:20 - 10:30



Session 4: Species-specific vulnerabilities and population effects [Convenor: Dr. Rowena Langston]



Saiko Shiraki (Japan)

The effects of wind turbines on White-tailed eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) in Hokkaido, Japan



Jens Rydell (Sweden)

Effect of wind turbine mortality on noctule bats in Sweden: predictions from a simple population model



Hans Chr. Pedersen (Norway)

Mortality of radio collared willow ptarmigan in Smøla wind-power plant

10:30 - 11:00


Coffee break


11:00 - 12:30


Session 5: Behavioural and spatial responses [Convenor: Dr. Edward Arnett]



Marc Reichenbach (Germany)

Windturbines and meadow birds in Germany – results of a 7 years BACI-study and a literature review



Francisco  Álvares (Portugal)

Assessing ecological responses of wolves to wind power plants in Portugal: methodological constrains and conservation implications



Miriam Brandt (Germany)

Displacement effects of pile driving during offshore windfarm construction on harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)



Jay Pruett (United States)

Wind Energy's Subtle Effect - Habitat Fragmentation

12:30 - 13:30


Lunch break


13:30 - 15:00


Session 6: Collision risk modelling [Convenor: Dr. Shawn Smallwood]



Roel May (Norway)

Collision risk in white-tailed eagles – Avoiding risky modelling



Oliver Behr (Germany)

Using acoustic monitoring to measure and mitigate the risk of bat-collisions at wind turbines in central Europe



Cindy Hull (Australia)

Behaviour and turbine avoidance rates of eagles at two wind farms in Tasmania, Australia



María Mateos (Spain)

Modelling seabird collision risk with off-shore wind farms

15:00 - 16:00


Poster break


16:00 - 17:30


Session 7: Methods and statistics [Convenor: Dr. Mark Desholm]



Niall Burton (United Kingdom)

Evaluating the statistical power of detecting changes in the abundance of seabirds at sea



Blanca Pérez Lapeña (Netherlands)

Statistical power in testing marine fauna displacement due to an offshore wind farm



Fiona Mathews (United Kingdom)

The effectiveness of search dogs compared with humans in searching difficult terrain at turbine sites for bat fatalities



Espen Lie Dahl (Norway)

Using DNA analysis to assess territory structure, mortality and partner shifts in a population of white-tailed eagle breeding inside and close to the Smøla wind-power plant


19:30 - 21:30


Workshop on large terrestrial mammals and wind power

– click here for further details 


Thursday 05.05.2011

08:30 - 09:00


Coffee start


09:00 - 09:20


Keynote speaker: Elisabeth Masden (United Kingdom)

The challenge of cumulative impacts

09:20 - 10:05


Session 8: Cumulative effects [Convenor: Dr. Roel May]



Ian Smales (Australia)

Linking turbine collision risks with population models to assess cumulative impacts of multiple wind farms on threatened birds



Mark Collier (Netherlands)

Cumulative effects of wind farms in the Dutch North Sea on bird populations

10:05 - 10:30


Coffee break


10:30 - 12:00


Session 9: Tools and technology [Convenor: Dr. Mark Desholm]



Janine Aschwanden (Switzerland)

Which radar systems are suitable to study what kind of question? – An overview



Caleb Gordon (United States)

New technologies for offshore wind wildlife studies



Bertrand Delprat (France)

ID Stat: innovative technology for assessing wildlife collisions with wind turbines



Timothy Coppack (Germany)

Automated in situ monitoring of migratory birds at Germany's first offshore wind farm

12:00 - 13:00


Lunch break


13:00 - 14:30


Session 10: Mitigation and compensation [Convenor: Dr. Andrew Gill]



Scott Cole (Sweden)

Ex Post Compensation for White-Tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) Impacts at the Smøla Wind Farm: An Application of Equivalency Analysis



Ansgar Diederichs (Germany)

Testing the effects of an acoustic harassment device on the behaviour of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)



Anabela Paula (Portugal)

Managing habitat for prey recovery – an off-site mitigation tool for wind farms’ impacts on top avian predators



Antonio-Roman Muñoz (Spain)

Raptor mortality in wind farms of southern Spain: mitigation measures on a major migration bottleneck area

14:30 - 15:30


Poster break


15:30 - 16:30


Session 11: Future challenges: offshore and onshore [Convenor: Dr. Roel May]



David Bourke (Ireland)

Developing wind energy in Ireland – consequences for our biodiversity and ecosystem services



Jan Kube (Switzerland)

Options for mitigation of bird collisions at offshore wind farms: a European perspective



Andrew Gill (United Kingdom)

Field scale experiments to assess the effects of Offshore Wind Farms on marine organisms

16:40 - 18:00


Final panel debate and closure

Convenor: Dr. Roel May

19:00 - 23:00

